Motivational Quotes

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Thoughtfully handpicked 

Notions from nonpareil

Most of the problems that we face today might have already been experienced by someone in the past. So, why not save some time and try to learn from the life of some finest human beings who accomplished too much in their lives. Wisdom of Life in the words of the personalities who changed the world by their work. We will furnish you with some very compelling thoughts that will keep you motivated to reach the ultimate Goals.

सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ।
ततो युद्धाय युज्यस्व नैवं पापमवाप्स्यसि॥

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता (२.३८)

Adjudge losing or winning, Gaiety or grief and profit or forfeiture in a similar fashion and stand like a fighter against all odds. Only this is how you will attain a life of fulfilment and get a step closer towards salvation.

BhagvadGita (2.38)

Carefully curated


Bhagavad Gita Quotes

Divulged by The Divine

BhagwadGita is not a Religious text. It’s the Quick fix to all the hurdles and setbacks that you can encounter in your life. We have extracted some of the most relevant & beatific answers to your Questions straight from the most empirical text available today.

Bhagavad Gita quotes in English (Chapter-2, Sloka-14)

Bhagavad Gita quotes in English

Here is a collection of some of the most powerful Bhagavad Gita quotes in English with 4K images that will surely bring a positive impact on your life.

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Motivational Quotes in Hindi

Easy & to the point

Most influential thoughts don’t get affected by the barrier of languages. Still, it gets easier to comprehend in your mother-tongue. So, we have made this section of Motivational Quotes in Hindi so that you will be able to understand even the strenuous of the notions effortlessly.

MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…

Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...

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Beautiful Morning Quotes

A Blissful start

Morning is the time when you need a kick-start to get going for the rest of your day. We will furnish you with powerful & influential thoughts that will ultimately remove your negativity and change your perspective towards life.

MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…

Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...

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Vedic Quotes

Immemorial wisdom

Vedas are one of the finest & most ancient texts available to us today. From science to philosophy, everything is covered in these 4-incomparable scriptures. We have selected some of the most unparalleled wisdom from these books and conveyed it here with an explanation.

MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…

Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...

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Quotes by Famous people

Everlasting Notions

Here is a collection of Quotes by Famous people that constitutes the essence of the most inspiring lives that have ever lived on this planet. Influential People from different fields of life who lived in different eras have one thing in common; a continuous urge for the betterment of humanity itself. We have chosen some of the most impressive thoughts of these great people & bundled them here under their names so that you get an opportunity to learn from the Best.

More Quotes and Wishes

Best collection of Quote to share

The most meaningful & ultimate collection of Quotes, where you can find the one relevant to your current Mood. We will also bring you the stories behind the traditions of Indian culture & festivals that you would love to read.

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