Everlasting Notions

Quotes by Famous people

Here is a collection of Quotes by Famous people that constitutes the essence of the most inspiring lives that have ever lived on this planet. Influential People from different fields of life who lived in different eras have one thing in common; a continuous urge for the betterment of humanity itself. We have chosen some of the most impressive thoughts of these great people & bundled them here under their names so that you get an opportunity to learn from the Best.

Short Biography of Sadhguru & a collection of the Best Motivational Sadhguru Quotes to fill your life with a lot of positivity.

Let’s understand the personality of Narendra Modi much closely through a interesting short Biography and some of the most inspirational Narendra Modi Quotes.

Most inspirational Gautam Buddha Quotes & Teachings for a positive impact on your life & to help you in the journey towards enlightenment.

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