Yoga for Peace

Perceive the process
Training for Tranquillity
Yoga is not about stretching your body in weird ways. It is the most ancient science of mental and physical well-being. In this world of a destructive lifestyle and maligned emotional responses, Yoga is the pathway to redemption.
Here you can learn using Yoga for peace of mind and body by knowing the mechanics of yogic practices like Ashtanga Yoga, pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Yoga Mudras & Surya Namaskar.
तं विद्याद् दुःखसंयोगवियोगं योगसञ्ज्ञितम्।
स निश्चयेन योक्तव्यो योगोऽनिर्विण्णचेतसा ॥
The one thing that is far away from the misfortunes and sorrows of this world is Yoga. You should understand it properly for a more holistic life. It’s your responsibility to practice it with patience and great enthusiasm without getting jaded.
BhagvadGita (6.23)
Carefully curated
Yoga for beginners
An easy start
No one knows it all. So, You don’t need to start big, just follow the baby steps, slowly and steady, one at a time. Just begin now without waiting. And as they say, a well-began is half-done!
Yoga for Corona-Best 7 Asana for COVID Prevention & Recovery
Practicing Yoga for Corona prevention & recovery is something that we all should consider to improve our immunity & inner energy. Here's a list of such asanas.
Read MoreMotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…
Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...
Read MoreTypes of pranayama
Mastery of life-force
Pranayama is basically the practice of controlling the prana-Vayu, i.e. the air that we breathe. It is said that practising pranayama daily will not only cure physical ailments but also clears the conscious and helps in rejuvenating mental health.
It is really a Yoga for peace !
Top Pranayama Benefits for Mind & body as Proven by Science
Practicing Pranayama Breathing exercise regularly is life changing in so many ways. Do Read this post to know all sort of Pranayama benefits for human body.
Read MoreMotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…
Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...
Read MoreAshtanga yoga
The 8-yoga sutras
Sage Patanjali of ancient India has defined the eight pillars of Yoga as Yama (abstinences), Niyama (observances), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (absorption). Here, we are going to learn their practical implementation and benefits in accordance with our modern lifestyle.
MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…
Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...
Read MoreKundalini yoga
Vitality & vigour
Kundalini yoga is about opening the energy-epicentres of the human body keep the energy flowing from the Muladhara-chakra to the Sahasrara chakra for a holistic approach towards physical, mental & spiritual betterment.
MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…
Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...
Read MoreYoga mudra
Connecting dots
Mudras or hand-gestures have been given utter importance in Yoga. The Yoga-mudras represent various emotions and can also be used for relieving multiple physical & emotional imbalances. From mild headache to depression & loneliness, there are specific Yoga mudras for each for them.
MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…
Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...
Read MoreSurya namaskar
Sun Salutation
Sun is the primary source of energy which keeps the living alive on the planet earth. Surya-namaskar or sun- salutation is a way of Yoga to thank the Sun god for all that we get. In physiological terms, exercising Surya-namaskar at sunrise every morning will keep your body agile and mind clear. The poses of Surya Namaskar are the epitome of body stretching exercises. At the same time, you will also get some Quality time to spend with yourself and Mother Nature.
The Astounding Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar Yoga
Here are some scientifically proven Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar Yoga. Overall, it's a great physical & mental exercise to completely rewire your health.
Read MoreAll 12 Surya Namaskar Poses with a step-by-step Guide
The most widely practiced form of Sun Salutation has a sequence of 12 Surya Namaskar Poses with eight unique Asana. Let's now understand them in detail.
Read MoreSurya Namaskar Yoga- 12 Yoga poses that can change your Life
Complete knowledge about Surya Namaskar Yoga, it's origin, Vedic connections, Scientific & physiological aspects and various types of Surya Namaskar.
Read MoreSurya Namaskar Mantra with Meaning & Scientific Significance
Detailed Meaning & Scientific Significance of Surya Namaskar Mantra in Sanskrit and English from the Vedas. The original 12 Sun Salutation Mantras for worship.
Read MoreYoga for Fitness
Best of both worlds
The modern generation considers that Yoga and fitness are two different approaches to a healthy lifestyle. However, in our opinion, both compliments each other like no other in this world. The proportion can change depending upon your personal goals, but including both of them will surely take your life to another level.
Yoga for Corona-Best 7 Asana for COVID Prevention & Recovery
Practicing Yoga for Corona prevention & recovery is something that we all should consider to improve our immunity & inner energy. Here's a list of such asanas.
Read MoreMotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…
Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...
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