Trust Yourself

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The power resides within you

Conquer the fate

Trust yourself that you can do it & surely you will be able to. Self-confidence or trusting yourself is mandatory to tackle hardships & keep you intact in harsh situations. It is evident that if you don’t trust yourself, how can anyone else trust you for anything. So, have faith in yourself, and the universe also will.

अदित्यै रास्नासि ।
विष्णोर्वेष्यो सि ।
ऊर्जे त्वा ।
अदब्धेन त्वा चक्षुषाव पश्यामि ।
अग्नेर्जिह्वासि सुहूर्देवेभ्यो धाम्नेधाम्ने मे भव यजुषेयजुषे ॥३०॥

(यजुर्वेद  १.३०)

You are the vigour of earth.
You are the embers of Blaze.
You will become the harbinger of prosperity in the house.
You are the residence of the supreme powers.
Everyone looks at you with the optimism of potency & good fortune.

YajurVeda (1.30)

Carefully curated


Law of attraction

Certitude to triumph

Sometimes this concept of manifesting your dreams looks too fictional to trust. But believe us that after so many years of careful experimentation & observation, what we find out is that it’s true!

There is a scientific approach to this concept. If you understand that, everything will start to look more obvious and less obnoxious.

MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…

Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...

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Power of Subconscious

Anything is attainable

Please understand that you are not only a part of this universe, but in a way, the whole universe also is a part of you. Your destiny manifests only in the way you want it to be, both consciously or subconsciously!

MotivatorMonk- Coming Soon…

Right now, we are in the initial stages of designing this website. It’s taking some time because we want everything to be meaningful in such a way that every word written here has the capability to add some value to your life. Combining the wisdom from the ancient texts of...

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